Christian Living Today

The Christian Living Today [CLT] Series is co-edited by Dr. Jeffrey Goh and Fr. Emmanuel Katongole. Published annually, it aims to serve the Catholic laity, and is sold at the subsidized rate of RM3 per copy in parishes throughout Malaysia and at S$3 or B$3 in Singapore and Brunei, respectively.

*For enquiries on back issues, please go to your local parish [bookshop], or write to The Cathedral Gift Shop, St Joseph’s Cathedral, P. O. Box 184, 93702 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. [Tel: +6082243936. Fax: +6082233805]

 2011. CLT12. The Missing Third Line, by Dr. Jeffrey and Angelina Goh

Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

2010. CLT11. In Spirit & Truth, by Dr. Jeffrey Goh.

Encounter stories between Jesus and women in the Gospel of St John.

2009. CLT10. Lenten Journeys, by Fr. Emmanuel Katongole.

Retreat reflections from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday.

2008. CLT9. Living in the Trinity, by Dr. Jeffrey Goh.

Reflections on baptism, temptations and kingdom-preaching in the Gospel of Mark.

2007. CLT8. Characters of the Passion, by Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

A reprint of Sheen’s lessons on faith and trust.

2006. CLT7. Walking on Water, by Dr. Jeffrey Goh.

Reflections on Joseph, Peter, and the Canaanite woman’s walk in faith in the Gospel of Matthew.

2005. CLT6. Eucharist: Real Presence & Life, by Dr. Jeffrey Goh.

A synthesis of teaching on the mystery of the Eucharist and a call for deeper spirituality.

CLT6 is available in Chinese translation from The Bishop, P.O. Box 495, 96007 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.
2004. CLT5. Unlearning Sin, by ten authors.

Ten articles on ten Old Testament stories of sin and repentance.

2003. CLT4. Mary, the Perfect Disciple, by ten authors.

Ten articles that lead the readers to meet Mary not in increased devotion but in closer imitation.

2002. CLT3. Learning Discipleship, by ten authors.

Ten articles on discipleship drawn from Scriptures for concrete day-to-day living and existence.

2001. CLT2. Marriage, A Joy or Burden? by eight authors.

Ten articles on various topics of Christian family life.

2000. CLT1. Word & Life, by eight authors.

Ten extended homiletic reflections.

Living the Gospel: St Paul’s Call to Match Words with Actions in First Corinthians, by Dr. Jeffrey and Angelina Goh. 2008. 272 pages.

A Bible Study of ten Corinthian problems in 3 steps: What was the problem? What was Paul’s solution? What is the relevance for us today? Suitable for retreats, seminars, individual study or Bible study groups. RM20.

*For enquiries, please go to your local parish [bookshop], or write to The Cathedral Gift Shop, St Joseph’s Cathedral, P.O.Box 184, 93702 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. [Tel: +6082243936. Fax: +6082233805].

Christian Tradition Today: A Postliberal Vision of Church and World. Doctoral Dissertation of Dr. Jeffrey Goh. A critical dialogue with the emergent postliberal school of theology. 645 pages. For specialized theological studies.

Published 2000 simultaneously by Peeters Press, Louvain, Belgium, and W.B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. US$30.